Hernia abdominal stretching
By Mr Rob HicksCategories: Rehabilitation
Rehab overview
Rehabilitation is an important part of recovery after all operations and particularly after any hernia surgery. No matter what your physical ability prior to your operation, whether you are a young sportsperson, generally active or are frail, there is advice as to how you can recover more quickly and return to your full activities as soon as possible.
The Hernia clinic has worked closely over many years with the physiotherapists at Witty, Pask and Buckingham in Northampton and through very careful discussion, research and experience we have developed a day-by-day rehabilitation schedule that covers every type of patient.
The general principles of this advice are covered in Scar tissue minimisation & Rehabilitation programme
Milestones after surgery
- You may shower on the first day after surgery
- First few days – gentle walking, regular pain relief.
- Driving – 5-7 days, once you can confidently do an emergency stop.
- By the end of the first week aim to be walking approximately 20-30 minutes twice a day
- Consider returning to work towards the end of this week
- Time off work – Allow approximately 1-2 weeks to recover before you can return to work. If your job includes manual work then you may need to request light duties or have longer off before returning to heavier work. You will be advised to avoid heavy lifting for 4-6 weeks to reduce the risk of recurrence. You will be provided with a work certificate before you leave the hospital.
- Increase your walking, the pace and duration during this week. Learn to ‘walk tall’ again.
- Gradually return to normal activities. You may restart some gentle jog/walk and gentle cycling at this stage, if these are your normal activities.
- Avoid lifting any weights or heavy gardening at this stage.
- You will have a follow up appointment with your surgeon at this stage to check your stage of healing.
- You will be given advice at his consultation regarding your return to full activities.
- Return to sport – see the rehab phase. For most sports this is usually approximately 4 weeks.